zaterdag 7 april 2012


Yesterday I said I was going to try out a new recipe I found in a cookmagazine. So that's exactly what I did. It was a recipe for a delicous cheesecake. And I'll give yout he recipe, so you can also make it.

You need:

  1. 200 gr crumbled Bastogne-cookies
  2. 1,5 lemon
  3. 5 tablespoons of sugar
  4. Cream (to make whipped cream)
  5. 6 Gelatin-sheets
  6. 350 ml Quark or Greek yughurt
What to do:
  1. The first thing you should do it make a base. The base of this cheesecake is made of Bastogne. I don't know if you can buy these cookies in every country. But it's a crunchy cookie with caramalized sugar and cinnamon flavour. Annyway, you should crumble them. I first tried doing this with my hands. After a couple of minutes I discovered this didn't work. So I used a hammer (:
  2. After making the base it's time to put the gelatin-sheets into water.
  3. Heat the lemonjuice together with one tablespoon sugar.
  4. Squeeze the gelatin-sheets out in the warm mix of lemonjuice and sugar.
  5. Stir the quark or Greek yoghurt and mix it with the lemonjuice.
  6. Whip the cream until it's whipped cream (okay, this sounds a bit stupid :). Mix it toghether with 4 tablespoons of sugar.
  7. Stir the whipped cream trough the yoghurt.
  8. Now you can spread the yoghurt-mix over the Bastogne-base.
  9. You should let the cheesecake coagulate until it's a thick mass.
  10. After it has coagulated, you can decorate the cake. I did it with a lemon, because there's lemonjuice in the cake. Soo... But you could also do it with little white chocolate-eggs. Or whipped cream. Or anything else.
Have fun! xx

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