maandag 6 februari 2012

Raspberry-coco cupcakes

Dear friends,

This weekend I had a little movie-party at my place with some friends.
So I decided to surprise my friends with some cute coco-cupcakes with raspberry-icing.
The cake was delicious and really fresh because of the greated coconut I added.
And the combination wit the raspberry-icing was really nice.

But it didn't look that great, haha.
Watch it yourself below:

I was happy to give my friends these cupcakes while it was dark (:
So although the appearance wasn't what I had in mind, the taste was great.
The icing:
  • Icing sugar
  • Raspberry-lemonade
Oooowh, I love the silver sprinkles.
It will make everything look glamourous!

Bisous x

3 reacties:

  1. Deliciousssss <3 hihi, leuke blog :)

  2. I had the same problem last weekend, that sugaricing stuf just doesn't want want the same thing as me!



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